General terms

General terms

apaligaj���noun. young shoots of food plants, e.g. yam plants. See:�mamaligajyoung shoots. Category:�General terms.

arawirr1���noun. 1�•�hollow log or tree, either alive or dead. Category:�General terms.

2�•�didgeridoo. Muka mata arawirr. ‘This is a didgeridoo.’ See:�arawirrarawirrWorm Snail. Category:�Tools, men's, Song and dance.

atijpularr���noun. 1�•�young plant, small plant. Category:�General terms.

2�•�fingers. Ta nigi la ta atijpularr. ‘The thumb and the fingers’. See main entry: ilijpularr. Category:�Limbs.

irtulul���noun. 1�•�chips of wood. mata irtulul ‘Not sure what it means in this context’. Arlarrarr pata irtulul. ‘There are no woodchips.’ Category:�General terms.

2�•�fingers of coral. Category:�Shellfish.

iyirriki���nouns. pieces, bits, scraps. mayirriki sawdust, finely scraped wood; ajirriki left-over crumbs or scraps of food, flour, yam etc., scraps of vegetable food, bits of vegetable food. Category:�General, General terms. Ta ajirriki naka jara walij awk. ‘Ajirriki is bits of (vegetable) food.’

kamalangaliki���iv. Restrict:�VE subject used to refer to trees growing close together. kamalangaliki. ‘They're standing together’. Puka pata arrarrkpi la jita warramumpik kapula walij tuka warlk kamalangaliki. ‘These men and women are eating where the trees are standing.’ See:�kilangalistand. Category:�General terms.

kamannyatpalan���tv. Restrict:�VE object 1�•�open variety of things such as a house (via door) or can of fruit. Take bark off a tree. manyatpalanti, kamanyatpalan, kamangatpalan she's opening it. Nganti mannyatpalantiny ja window? ‘Who opened the window?’ Mannyatpalantiny ja purrupurrukang inimanyka ja phone nuyu. ‘He opened up his bag and he took out his phone.’ Annyeng ta waryatapa mannyatpalantinyapa. ‘He smashed the rock and the place was opened up (for other people to work in).’ See:�putclose. Ant:�kinimarrkuta. Category:�Manipulation.

Restrict:�GEN subject 2�•�sprout (from a seed). Kamangatpalakan ngarntawl. ‘Speargrass sprouts.’ Category:�General terms.

kiniwinypun���tv. 1�•�washing, touching with a drawn out movement like a rub or stroke. iniwinypupu See:�kiniwalpunto touch with a sharp, punctual movement; kiniwinypukpunwash clothes for; kiwinypalinypukpunwash hands. Category:�Weak impact.

2�•�said when somebody sees a lot of fish or some other type of food in the bush. Kiniwinypun la yamin, igarra. Kimalkpakpa. ‘There are a lot of fish here in the creek.’ Category:�Fish, General terms.

kinyjirrkpanpani���iv. Restrict:�FE subject new growth of flora. Little new shoots about 1 metre high, new trees. Ta karrpin kinyjirrkpanpani naka mata wurrwurr mata kamamalkpa. ‘When we say kinyjirrkpanpani, well, that is the new growth that comes up.’ Kutpayanti kinyjirrkpanpani mata warlk. ‘Look at the new shoots.’ Kinyjirrkpanpani wularrut. ‘New trees came up.’ Category:�General terms. See:�angurrkpalkpanya lot of food plants or animals sprout or appear.

kiwarntangaliki���iv. 1�•�used to describe someone who is sleeping with their legs up, for example lying on their back with knees bent and feet on the floor. Category:�Remain stationary.

Restrict:�VE subject 2: kamawarntangaliki�•�scattered trees in the distance. Ta kamawarntangaliki naka mata warak kamalangali mata warlk. ‘When (we say) kamawarntangaliki it means that the trees are standing in the distance.’ See:�kilangalibe born. Category:�General terms.

kiwarntarrkanyjilin���iv. 1�•�colours of paint mixing together, or becoming part of a family, for example becoming an in-law. awarntarrkanyjilin ‘e.g. Barbara Golden married Johnny, Nancy's promised husband so we could say this word about Barbara and Nancy - they became close family.’ Syn:�kiwartawkunjilin. Category:�Manipulation, family, inc moieties.

Restrict:�VE subject 2: kamawarntarrkanyjilin�•�the tree limbs branch off. Category:�General terms.

Restrict:�LL subject 3: kangparntarrkanyjilin�•�branching off part of road. Syn:�kangparrkparnjilin. Category:�Large features.

kiwartawkunjilin���iv. 1�•�mixed together. -wartawkunjilin, iwartawkunjiliny it's all mixed together. See:�kinnyartawkunadd onto; kiniwartawnadd together; kiniwinyjamamix together; awkcolours of paint mixing together, or becoming part of a family, for example becoming an in-law. Category:�General.

Restrict:�PL subject 2: kawartawkunjilin�•�mix together, join together into one group, they took him into their family, they match, they are equal. For example, sheep and cows mixed together in the one group, people from the mainland and here are all mixed together, the different tribes.With human plural subject means 'they joined together' for example when two groups of people are walking along separate roads, then meet up and keep walking along together. ngartpartakawjilinka ‘Join together as family’. Wakapa awartawkunjilinang awaning. ‘They lived there together as a group.’ Syn:�kiwarntarrkanyjilin. Category:�Manipulation.

Restrict:�VE subject 3: kamawarntawkunjilin�•�a grove of trees, a group of trees growing close together. Category:�General terms.

Restrict:�LL subject 4: kangparntawkunjilin�•�roads running parallel or nearly parallel. See:�kangparrkparnjilinbranching off road or path; kawartpanyjilinthey are meeting. Category:�Land features.

kiwelkpin���iv. 1�•�hot, dehydrated, dry out. Ngapi ngawelkpin mira. Ngana ngungpanala wupaj. ‘I am hot (and) dry. I'm going to drink water.’ Muka mata ngarntawul mata mirlak nakapa yara kamarntulyakpin marntulyak kamawelkpin yara kama jurr tuka kunak. ‘This grass, it's a tall grass. When it shoots up very high and it's tall and dries out, it falls down on the ground.’ Mata mawelkpiny, or murrurtpiny. ‘Wood that is dried out or ready (to be used).’ See:�wuwukuwukfeel hot to touch. Category:�Discomfort and pain, Properties of surface.

Restrict:�ED subject 2 :kapelkpin�•�the yam vine has died and the yam is ready to dig. Kapelkpin ta karwuluk nakapa karrata ta karwuluk. ‘When it's getting dried, the leaf and the vine, the yam of the vine gets dried, it tells us that it's time for us to go look for wild yams.(lit 'eat')’. See:�pelkcoverb, swelling. Category:�General terms.

kiwujpikpin���iv. 1�•�swollen. Ngapi ngawujpikpin kani tuka wanji la nganimi. ‘I have swelling on my head and back.’ Kamawujpikpin wun. ‘Somebody's got a sore eye.’ Ja karrpujpikpin. ‘Our skin is swollen (from a bite).’ See:�arijcoverb; wujpi (kili; kinila)have plenty; kiwutpinapproach quickly. Category:�Physical disability and injury.

Restrict:�VE subject 2: kamawujpikpin�•�a thicket of trees. Category:�General terms.


lilak���noun. the sound of trees rubbing together. Category:�General terms, Language.

malakpirij���noun. hole in a tree, hollow tree, doorway. See main entry: ilakpirij. See:�kilajihollow, hole. Category:�General terms, Shelter, camp, house, Plant parts.

mamaligaj���noun. young shoots. Plants coming back after rains. Mamalijap manamalkpa. ‘The young shoots come up.’ See:�apaligajyoung shoots. Category:�General terms.

mankawurr���noun. a stick from the manjarrpirn tree used as straw to suck honey. Category:�General terms, Tools, men's. Anth: a twig end is chewed into a brush and used to suck honey

mankulumpurr���noun. a very soft wood. Category:�General terms.

marnkuj���noun. thick growth. Ta karrpin marnkuj naka mata kamalangali purrkut. ‘When we say marnkuj it means that the grass, bush is thick.’ Category:�General terms.

maryak���noun. wet or green plant matter. e.g. wood that is too fresh to be able to use as firewood or grass that is too green to burn. Maryak mata mirlak. ‘The grass is wet or too green to be good for using to make a fire.’ See:�maryakutfresh young growth. Category:�General terms.

maryakut���noun. fresh young growth, of the type that appears after rain. Used to refer to the season when this usually occurs too. Kayirrkapa ta maryakut. ‘Now it is the time when the fresh young growth appears (early wet season).’ Muka mata maryakut. ‘This is fresh young growth.’ Ingarnakenang maryakut irrka. ‘His first beard was beginning to come through (a young man).’ See:�maryakfresh, green plant. Category:�General terms, Longer.

mawurraj���noun. juicy. Mawurraj mata mangko mata kamali ayay. ‘They are juicy mangoes hanging in the trees.’ See:�iwurrajfat, big. Category:�General terms, Arrangement.

mayurrwajpaj���noun. chips of bark used to begin a fire with. Category:�General terms.

mirwijpirwij���noun. a bed of seaweed. Ngarlawi kamaw wakapa tuka mirwijpirwij. ‘Bailer shells live in the beds of seaweed.’ Category:�General terms, Small plants.

murlurr���noun. driftwood. Murlurr kamalangaka. ‘The driftwood is floating.’ Category:�General terms.

ngalyapanta���noun. 1�•�a forked piece of wood such as is used to make a bark shelter. Category:�General terms, Shelter, camp, house.

2�•�buffalo horn. See:�larnngalkhorn. Category:�Mammals.

3�•�place name on the 'top side' of King River where the river forks out into smaller arms. Category:�Place names.

pungupaju���noun. black, plastic-like branched, tree seaweed found washed up on beaches. See:�mirwijseaweed. Category:�General terms.

put2���coverb. Restrict:�LL subject 1�•�close, bang. Angmaj put. ‘It's closed (e.g. the shop)’. Kangma put ‘Close / It closed (door)’. Or ngungayawng ta kurrampalk kangma put. ‘I saw the house was closed.’ See:�kimaauxiliary verb. Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.

Restrict:�LL object 2�•�close. Kanima put. ‘He closes the door.’ Ngungpanama put wu. ‘I'll lock them in.’ Pulikang ngawunpanalunta la ngapamurntulku wu ngungpanama put ‘We fence in the cows and block them in and lock them in.’ See:�wutputclose properly (coverb). Syn:�kamannyatpalan. Category:�Manipulation, Manipulation.

Restrict:�LL object3�•� Naka ja nganykarrarr animaj put kirrk. ‘Those mangroves were very thick.’ Category:�Arrangement, General terms.

Restrict:�LL object 4�•�wait. Angpanima put. ‘He's waiting for him.’ Category:�Waiting, doing nothing.

wutput���coverb. Restrict:�LL subject 1�•�close. Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.

Restrict:�LL object 2�•�close properly. Ta kangma wutput ta animany wutput kirrk murnin nakapa ngili kamurtpin. ‘It was all closed. he sealed the house up completely because they were frightened of the mosquitoes.’ Category:�Manipulation.

walmurtja���noun. jungle. Arrkpana arrapanawun karwuluk tuka walmurtja. ‘Let's go and get yams in the jungle.’ warra walmurtja See:�nuwul walmurtjatree type. Category:�General terms, Landscape.

warra walmurtja���jungle. Apuyarrukungpu awuran tuka warra walmurtja. ‘They followed them and went to the jungle.’ Category:�General terms, Landscape.

warra walmurtja���jungle. Apuyarrukungpu awuran tuka warra walmurtja. ‘They followed them and went to the jungle.’ Category:�General terms, Landscape.

warlk���noun. tree, generic term, also covers any type of stick, branch or log. Anth: Also used for 'coffin'. Not used for firewood. See:�yungkufire, firewood. Category:�General terms.

coverb. Restrict:�GEN subject ; Female object first menstrual period, girl's puberty ceremony. Kinyngen warlk. ‘She is having her first period.’ Awunngen warlk. ‘They are having their first period.’ See:�yarlheaped sand used in ceremony. Syn:�muru (kinnyen), najaman (kinima), yurnu (kinnyen). Category:�Reproduction. Usage:�semantic restriction on experiencer object gender: must be feminine Anth: Also used to refer to the ceremony associated with a girl's first period. The construction is a euphemism for menstrual bleeding it means literally 'her skin was pierced by a stick'. After the first period ceremony negotiations with the future husband begin. Note: Exact synonym with muru

warntuk���noun. log bridge. Arrkanama warntuk parak. ‘We'll cross the creek using a fallen log that acts as a natural bridge.’ Karrkputpa warntuk tuka wumawurr. ‘We lie a log across the creek (so we can cross it).’ Category:�General terms.

warra inyjurrjum���noun. good ground for yams to grow. Category:�General terms, Tubers.

warrga���noun. flower, generic term, smallish plant. Category:�General terms, Plant parts.

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